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End of Year 2022

As much as we're still processing 2019, it feels like the end of 2022 arrived in the blink of an eye. I didn't realize I was so behind on production updates. I went back and forth between creating one post per month, but what makes the most sense is to have an end of the year recap.

January through June was all about exploring new avenues. In January, we launched a Djini Productions branded app, which allows you to access our content from anywhere on your Apple or Android devices. Creating and managing an app has been a learning curve, but it does help make our content more accessible.

February through April, we were diligently working on the edits to the original web series "It's Not You" which was released on May 15th. It is our 8-episode web series (available for free on our Youtube Channel) about dealing with losing and making friends as an adult. The episodes are 3 - 5 minutes long, and the series has been officially accepted into 6 festivals to date, including the Minnesota Webfest and the ever popular Denton Black Film Festival. If you haven't watched or subscribed, please make sure you do so! It is free to support, so please share with everyone in your network and help us grow.

June saw the completed release of all 8-episodes of our web series, and shortly after we started working on our first feature film. The story centers around a single mother whose fortitude is tested when a pharmaceutical company's latest development disrupts her journey to recovery. The lead character is played by none other than the incomparable Charla Marie Bailey, with supporting roles played by Minneapolis favorites Paul Economon and Lori Roovers.

(L-R) Charla Marie Bailey, Paul Economon, Lori Roovers

Filming took place in Minneapolis in October, and we got to work with some new and returning favorite crew, including Brian Few Jr. as Cinematographer, and PJ Mack Sr. as Sound Recordist. The project (title TBD) is currently in post-production, with hopes of finalizing editing by April of 2023.

With all the activity that has happened this year, I'm grateful for all that I've been able to accomplish, the people who have entrusted me with their time, and all who continue to believe in and support my vision. I have some great ideas I'd love to see come to fruition 2023, and will plan to share those on this site as they become reality. I'm excited about the collaborations and partnerships, and will continue to support our local film community as best as I can.

As always, I end the year with the utmost gratitude, and optimism for 2023. With that said, I hope you have an enjoyable close to the end of the year, and blessings for the new year.



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