February is one of those months that feels long and short at the same time.
In February, I was up for re-election on the Board for Minnesota Women in Film and Television. Once the elections were confirmed, I was nominated and elected by the Board to be President of the organization. It is a two-year term, on a 100% volunteer board.
As a small non-profit, I hope to do what I can to continue the work of all the people who have served before me. With the addition of the board members who have joined in the past year, we have been able to grow as an organization.

Related to the film world in Minnesota, there are also quite a few exciting developments within the MN legislature. Specifically around conversations about bringing back tax credits for productions filmed locally. What people don't realize is that if we are able to sustain a production-friendly environment in Minnesota, not only would it create jobs for actors and crew, but we're also positively impacting local businesses, and homeowners.
Think of your favorite show, and now think of the state or location it was filmed in. Now if you were to travel to that state or location, wouldn't you want to visit or patronize all the businesses you saw from that show? Film has a lot more to provide than just entertainment. If you have any such stories of how you benefited from movies or tv shows that were filmed in Minnesota, please tell your House Rep and Senators so that we can see our film community flourish.