Good bye 2019, and hello 2020!
We found 2019 to be a year of growth, with a few exciting and unexpected surprises that came our way. We premiered What Marilyn Didn't Know internationally, and also completed principal photography on our comedic short film Happily Married After. As we look towards the new year, there are a few things on our wish list and goal list that we are hoping to attain.
Choice, not chance, determines your destiny.
~ Aristotle
2020 GOALS:
Provide monthly updates of all the exciting and not-so-exciting happenings at Djini Productions. Bear with us because some months might be dull, but we realize it's a good habit to form. We'll figure it out.
Get What Marilyn Didn't Know accepted into a few more festivals. Even if it's one - mission will be accomplished.
Release What Marilyn Didn't Know on VOD. More details to come for when and where. You can check back for updates or follow our social media pages for up-to-the-minute updates.
Complete post-production on Happily Married After.
Enter Happily Married After into local, national, and international film festivals. This one is winner, if we don't say so ourselves.
Complete the screenplay on our first feature film titled "E.I." (working title).
Raise funds for our first feature film (E.I. - working title), through grants, and benevolent benefactors.
Find a Manager for Alison Guessou to help chart the course for her vision as a filmmaker.
Be better than where we were in 2019, A-B-G: Always Be Growing.
Our vision board has been created. Where do you see yourselves in 2020? Tell us on social media!